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Austrian Association

June 4th, 2014

These exhibitions open great opportunity to share news, experiences, contacts. Each spring, the "Start" takes place in Bremen, and every autumn in Essen on the Rhine. And in Stuttgart every 2 years arrange an exhibition of franchising New Come. Business owners and franchisees and their Potential partners are looking for and find each other. By the way, why not try it yourself at the start and you? Austria – not so that a satellite of Germany, but its economy is heavily dependent on Germany, so that in this area you can find many common. Process, so to speak, "" Austria has begun in the 80 years and continues to develop dynamically.

If in the late 80's there were about 500 franchises, then by 2002 the number of matured to nearly 5000. In the industrial sector, as well as in services and manufacturing companies, franchises, was founded nearly 80 000 jobs. As you know, the economy and social standards which means a lot. In Austria as in Germany, there is no separate law. Franchising governed by general legal legislation. However, an interesting detail: from 1 January 2006 franchise agreements should not be registered in the Anti-Monopoly Service (in Austria is a beautifully called cartel office: Kartellamt). It's clear why: the structure of the franchising firm stance antimonopolistichna and lives only in the presence of healthy competition. And it must be purchased already enough experience in this business, so it's really estimate.

Officially supported franchise oFV – Austrian Association of Franchising (osterreichischen Franchise Verband). It was established in 1986 at the initiative of the European Association for the franchise. oFV expects by 2010 that the business will grow by 5% bring an additional 20 000 jobs. Austrian business-Gesellschaft is also actively debating and discussing the franchise is becoming increasingly relevant in today's world. Conducts annual workshops and conferences company founders and young entrepreneurs meetings. These meetings provide much information about this branch of business and the issue of economic independence. Absolute independence: if you have got franchise-firm on work does not sleep, as an officer – the eternal hero of German and Austrian jokes. It seems to us, between Austria and Russia – politically and economically – there are quite a lot in common, so the experience Austrian businessmen, successful and thorny be sure you nebezynteresen and nebespolezen.