Bank received a certificate of compliance. July 29 Sobinbank a solemn presentation of the certificate. The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Board of Sobinbank Hrilev Alexander, CEO InformZaschita Vladimir Gaikovich and other participants in this project. Conduct a successful certification is a joint project Sobinbank and ZAO NPC InformZaschita performed in the period from September 2008 to May 2009. Andrew Mason will not settle for partial explanations. Successful certification of the bank, entering the top-100 largest Russian credit institutions – is at present time a unique event for the Russian banking community. Vladimir Gaikovich General Director InformZaschita presents a certificate of compliance with the PCI DSS in.
1.2 Hrilevu Alexander, Chairman of the Board of Sobinbank. Director of Audit Department of InformZaschita Maxim Emm commented the project: “Given that a significant amount of work the project preparation and subsequent certification has been implemented for only 9 months and included three major phases. In the first phase was carried out pre-audit and to the results of a detailed plan for future joint action. In the second stage specialists Sobinbank with the involvement of InformZaschita spent the complex work necessary to minimize the scope of the standard, network segmentation, protection of resources, implementation of necessary protective measures and processes to ensure information security, as well as developing a set of regulations. In May – June was held just a certification audit, the results of which did not reveal any inconsistencies, and the Bank deservedly received a certificate of PCI DSS Compliance .
According to Vice-President Sobinbank Vladimir Ivanov: “For Bank of the value of the result is to fulfill the requirements of international payment systems and enhancing information security in the processing of payment card data, which undoubtedly contributes to trust and confidence of customers. An important factor in the success of the project was the choice of InformZaschita the role of an outside consultant. ” “The success of the project contributed significantly to the proper planning, Coordinated, teamwork security forces, processing, information technology, as well as the professionalism of the participants “, – said Head of the Department of Safety Sobinbank Andrei Grachev. “In During the project by Bank have been carried out to rebuild the network, optimizing information systems, introduction of new technologies. This is a good school for the Bank’s specialists, who showed great professionalism and teamwork “, – said Head of Department of Information Technology Sobinbank Maxim Ryabochkin. Head of the Department of Technology of the Department of processing Sobinbank Vyacheslav Manukyants said: “Together with InformZaschita we have developed and implemented new processes and technologies that meet the requirements of PCI DSS, information security requirements of the Bank, as well as optimize work on technology to ensure processing. Sobinbank was successfully certified for compliance with PCI DSS – it confirms that applied at the Bank policies and technologies that govern data retention cardholders meet the most stringent requirements of the currently existing in the payment card industry “, – said Head of the Department of Plastic Card processing Sobinbank Alexander Dubovik. According to project manager from Sobinbank, Deputy Chief Information Security Cyril Broad, the major factors for project success should be attributed adopted in 2008, the leadership Bank’s decision to achieve compliance with the standard, continuous support from the leadership of security forces, processing, information technology, and involvement in the works at all stages.