By virtue of their official duties (account director advertising agency PromoLine Communications Agency, Ekaterinburg I often have to answer certain questions. Dear Advertiser: why do we need an advertising agency, what he does and what takes money. To answer these questions, I will give this article a small case, “simple” seems to work – design a series of posters (posters), tm vegetable oil “Crown of abundance.” For reference, this manufacturer is located in Chelyabinsk, produces and pours oil on a unique technology – cold filtering (ie, in such a way refining, when heating oil for the removal of harmful waxes, vitamins and acids contained in oil is not break down and retain their useful properties). This manufacturer has considerable experience with Moscow by advertising agencies (for which I appreciate Chelyabinsk business, it’s because of global thinking), and Director Marketing – extensive experience with eminent networking agencies (particularly Respect – do not often meet such a precise statement of the problem is so literate and filled with brief). Series of posters designed to placement in hospitals in various fields: children’s clinics, antenatal clinics, oncology, cardiology itp and should have been informed about the beneficial and curative properties of vegetable oils of the tm. In general, else paint does not make sense, give only an excerpt from the brief, which gave us this advertiser.
Excerpt from the brief to develop a series of posters for medical institutions. Objectives: 1. Create the impression usefulness of vegetable oils and in particular oils “Crown of Plenty” (the use of preventive, therapeutic purposes).