Posts Tagged ‘administration and businesses’

Data Information

July 20th, 2020

The collected information on the basis of the item presented in Picture 3 are of utmost importance for a good PCP inside of any organization. Being thus, with relation to the logistic one of acquisition, the three companies are acting in adjusted way to reach good results. Finally, the fourth and last stage of chek list was regarding knowledge. is presented in Picture 4. Speaking candidly Vacationland told us the story. Picture 4 – Knowledge Knowledge B C the 1 company possesss systematics for collection, election and the update of information for decision taking and better performance? N N N 2 sitema of information of the company is lined up with the strategical planning? N N N 3 the system of information is available for all the company? N N N 4 Has pointers for accompaniment of the main processes? N N N the 5 pointers are understood by the involved collaborators? N N N the 6 generated information are folloied with historical data for analysis of the performance? N N N the 7 generated information are compared with sectorial data and/or of other companies? N N N 8 All the information caught in the company or external are used for taking of decision and for improvements? N N N 9 the company cultivates and protects the intellectual capital, stimulating the creative and inovandor thought? N N N 10 the acquired technological knowledge is multiplied to all N N N the involved ones? Source: Data of the research. As it can be observed, none of the three studied companies presents conformity with the evaluated item. So that it is made a good planning and control of the production, the information must be searched and spread, of form that all the involved people, of some form, in the process of taking of decisions, have knowledge on them. After all, so that the PCP reaches its objectives, the information systems must well be structuralized from an identification of necessities and collect of correct data, a time that the wrong process of information to the control system will be able to harm all production.


July 2nd, 2020

Not efforts are developed nor to balance the capacities nor to eliminate the variabilities, therefore the interest is to all operate the time in the maximum capacity. The production rhythm is dictated by the extreme capacity of the first process, that ' ' empurra' ' the production in direction to the successive processes, resulting inventory considerably higher of what the necessary one. Already the JIT manages to get the levelling of the production and acts to diminish the variabilities in the process. Small supplies of material in process in the front of each productive center are attributed, to protect the system of the uncertainties and statistical fluctuations of the manufacture processes. Reaching this supply, the preceding process is interrupted. Learn more at this site: relocation strategies. When considering itself all the productive chain, the JIT keeps an amount of sufficiently inferior intermediate supplies to the JIC. Through tools and techniques of solution of problems, it searchs the continuous improvement of its processes and procedures through the elimination of all wastefulness.

In a literal interpretation, it associates term JIC an idea as: in case that it will be necessary, he will be ready? , what it differs from? when it will be necessary will be ready? , associate to the JIT. To prevent the formation of great supplies of components, that occupied physical spaces and considerable additions of capitals, were idealized a revolutionary considered process, although simple, where the production was pulled for the consumption. The necessary parts to the production, were only ordered when they were for being used in the assembly. You deliver and used the components, returned the empty container to the supplier, so that this was returned again full, to the plant, with what he was requested. Everything this in the amount and the stated period that already had been stipulated. To the procedure of control used in this process &#039 was called; ' Kanban' ' , card in Japanese, whom had to the written register used.

Intellectual Capital

November 16th, 2019

EDVINSSON & MALONE (1998) use the metafrica language, that the company compares with the figure of a tree, considering the visible part (trunk, leves and twigs) what they are registered in the countable demonstrations; the invisible part? below of the surface (the roots)? to the Intellectual Capital, that is occult factors dynamic, as for example, buildings and products. Intellectual capital is as a tree which the human beings are the seiva makes that it to grow. The seiva that flows of the rind of a tree produces innovation and growth, but this growth if becomes massive wood, part of the structure of the tree. What the leaders need to make are to contain and to hold back the knowledge, so that it if becomes property of the company. STEWART (1998), citing EDVINSSON.

Figure. 1? METAPHOR OF the TREE Source: MARION, Jose Carlos, Reflections on Intangible Asset. Also, if it can say that part of the tree that is visible would be the Tangible one of an organization, being able to be mensurado with easiness. That is, it is what the accounting practises analyzing the tangible goods of a company. However, what it is not apparent, it is responsible, to a large extent for the growth and reinforcement of this organization. In the ANTUNES theory (2000), it Capital Intellectual to exist in the organization, is necessary to interar three elements: human, capital capital structural and capital of customers. The main characteristic of the Structural Capital is all structure of property of the company, that is, which includes computer science equipment, softwares, data base, registered patents, marks and everything than the more apia productivity of the employees. (ANTUNES, 2000), STRAIOTO (2000), says that Capital Human being is an enterprise resource and must be evaluated as an asset, therefore possesss capacity to generate benefits for the company. It is important that the managers invest in the employee with training, courses and formations so that the same if it motivates and if interest in searching and extending its knowledge and abilities.


April 26th, 2017

This personalization that has as high focus production with quality. All we are stimulated to take attitudes for internal forces, these forces are known as desires and are responsible for the auto-motivation. The external motivation is something temporary, and depends on the situation, of it rewards or even though of some type of threat that could be used against the individual, as for example, the possibility to be dismissed or to have the reduced wage, etc. All the people have capacity of high motivation and the energy that exists only needs to be set free. One of the forms to make with that the employees liberate this energy is creating positive, winning images; using enthusiasm examples and making with that the people search to rescue auto-they esteem and to awake its motivation in its daily one. Displayed to this idea we will be able to create an environment of questions and answers for the collaborators, in order to raise given that the possibilities of if reaching or not objective it of the motivation express which. which the diverse benefits that this brings for the production and quality and its personal and professional development. With this wakening of the motivation, as much employer will be benefited as the employee. Ahead of this, many companies are investing more in HUMAN RESOURCES, and inside of a strategical planning, the companies organize programs to detect or to determine the necessities of the people in the different areas of the organizations. When the company plans in strategical way can be had ampler vision on the real necessity of the internal remanejamento of the people, looking for to evaluate to the which areas and which functions these people better if they adaptam inside of the necessities of company, thus facilitating the remanejamento of employees, of the planning of staff, the act of contract of new employees and even though possible substitutions inside of the company.

Honesty Necessities

April 5th, 2012

It is the art to influence people to execute tasks with enthusiasm, motivation and espontaneidade. For Hunter (2004, p.70): The leadership starts with the will, that is our only capacity as human beings to syntonize our intentions with our actions and to choose our behavior. She is necessary to have will to choose to love, that is, feeling the real necessities, and not them desires, of that we lead. To take care of to these necessities, we need making use in them to even serve and exactly sacrificing in them. When we serve and we sacrifice in them for the others, we exert authority and influence and we gain the right to be called leaders. An efficient leadership is that one in which the secretaryship professional has the capacity to promote the growth of the people, taking care of to the necessities and not them desires of led and the reinforcement of the team. For this, firmness, determination, shrewdness, sacrifice, service, authority and courage must be together with values as patience, love, affectivity and sensitivity.

Therefore, the self-knowledge becomes basic; the person must have its beliefs, to know of its capacities, but also of its weaknesses. For Hunter (2004): The leadership is constructed on authority or influence, that is established on the love. Then, for definition, when vocs they lead with authority will be called to donate themselves, to love, to serve and until sacrificing itself for the others. One more time, to love is not as you feel yourself in relation to the others, but as if it holds in relation to the others. Love and Leadership: Patience (To show self-control), Goodness (To give attention, appreciation and incentive), Humildade (To be authentic and without pretension or arrogance), Respect (To treat the others as important people), Self-denial (To satisfy the necessities of the others), Pardon (To give up resentment when wronged), Honesty (To be free of deceit), Commitment (To support its choices), Resulted: Service and Sacrifice (To put of side its wills and necessities; to search the greater for the others well).

Health Services

March 22nd, 2012

MG the world of the work is subject to the effect of the technological, economic and social transformations that occur the moment all. These transformations constitute a great challenge for the management of human resources and people. The archaic form and conservative as the human resources are being lead inside of the health services provide resulted inefficient and unsatisfactory. The diverse theoretical models that influence the administrative systems of the human resources of the health organizations are the same ones that they are applied in the organizations in a general way. Some models had gotten great success in virtue to have conquered better resulted of productivity increase.

However this increase of productivity has been reached through one high human cost, reducing the workers the numbers and not much more that beings automatons. Although the unquestionable success of these models, the organizations, thus structuralized, possesss great limitations to survive in the current competitive world. They possess difficulties of if to adaptarem the change situations because they had been planned to reach objective predetermined and had not been prepared for the innovation. The administration approaches had been conceived for a management of steady and previsible situations. The globalization process brought the increment of the competitiveness and consequence necessity of improvement of the capacity of production of the organizations.

The evolution of the technology makes possible the introduction of new compositions of work thus demanding, one strong capacity of organizacional adaptation. The flexibilizao of the relations of work and the managemental models needs new attitudes to each moment. In this context of instability and competitiveness of the relations, the traditional structures had become vulnerable, imposing adoption of innovative systems of management. In Brazil the regional, cultural and economic diversities are not possible to visualize predominant a model organizacional.