Investment funds are an excellent option to invest, here are a few tips so you know what the experts know and actually win money with hedge funds once you decide to invest in mutual funds, it is necessary to review and understand before choosing, the score or rating of investment fundswhich measured or estimated the value of the market. The rating qualifies and will help you to measure risk, yes like the experts do, so you can have the right knowledge of the probability of payment for each investment fund that you have chosen to invest and make money. The rating will tell you from highest to lowest risk the profitability of different investment funds. And remember that rating is formed by two parts, the numerical and alphabetical, so you do not neglect a single detail that can help you make more money. The alphabetic part of the rating of an investment fund goes level or greater value to the minor. The highest level is followed by AAA’s AA, A, BBB, BB, and B is the smallest. Like the expert, looking for investment funds that have triple A, which are the Government. For the numerical part, qualifying the performance of investment funds, is measured from 1 to 7, where 1 is very low, and 7 the highest. Now you know the same information as the experts, so to choose the investment fund with which you want to grow your wealth, look at the score and gives you a tracking to give you the best investment fund and begins to save and make money as the best and most experienced investors.