Liveing currently in Par, Djanira moved with the children of Parnamirim, first in 1972, for occasion of the conflicts in the district of the Adobe, what it motivated the change of the family S Almeida for the Paran. Later for Itaituba, in virtue of its children to have installed a College in this city. Of 1962 the 1972, the education of the headquarters of the city of Parnamirim happened in the only School of the State that existed, the Pertaining to school Group Euclides of the Wedge, which was definite for the Nucleus of Education of Willow, where the professors of the time searched qualification and orientation to develop the education process. They had few municipal schools and the ones that existed functioned with classrooms multisseriadas in the towns. Some professors made superior courses in Recife and others made its courses and training in Belm of the San Francisco, Arcoverde and Petrolina. It enters the most requested professors of the time were: Ivalda Menezes, Givoneide Cabral, Liinha Menezes, Luisinho, Reuma de S Almeida, Orlane Sampaio, Edenir Sampaio, Gcia Menezes Aquino, Modest Aurenvia, Reuse of S Almeida, Elizete Modest and Professor Wilson.
Some illustrious names that cannot be forgotten: the Musician Francisco Agra; the Singer Geraldo Dantas; the Priests, Sizenando, Lencio and Reginaldo; The teachers, Owner Dawn of Aquino, Ivalda Menezes, Moura Daisy, Olvia Maria, Vilanir Cabral, Orlane Sampaio, Givoneide Cabral and Ozinete Dantas; the professors, Wilson, Vanildo Freitas, Mariano Freire, Luisinho Loving and the Placid professor dentist of Angelim Aquino. Already it had in Parnamirim Municipal Ensino that took care of well few schools of the agricultural zone. In the Pertaining to school Group Euclides of the Wedge also the old Gymnasium Cenecista, a school of the Community functioned at night, where if they detached the professors: Mariano Freire, Placid Aquino Angelim, Ivanildo Loving, Maria Olvia Magalhes, Modest Elizete, Gleide Angelim Aquino, Reuses of S Almeida, Gcia de Aquino Menezes and Margarida Moura.