Mexican Pesos

November 30th, 2013 by nathan Leave a reply »

Able to rely on the benefits of the open high school you must perform the appropriate registration through a service request is completed in the form on line. Once there pay through Banamex Bank only at the moment of starting to give examinations or duplicates of credential or certificate. The cost of the right of review is of 49 Mexican Pesos, a little more than 3 Euros. To duplicate the price is lower, since the process of credential costs $29 and the certificate $37. The following costs of the courses correspond to the teaching materials of various materials. In the first half, between the book and the notebook of English I and materials of mathematics I, writing workshop I, methodology of reading, modern history of the West and the learning methodology are paid $405, also $55 per self assessment exercises. The second half is almost $100 more expensive, since the investment comes to $551. But for those who wish to increase their studies and do not have the necessary money is there a programme of scholarships for all expenses related to the course, from materials to transport.

An advance by the student must be checked to keep the benefit that covers all year. The scholarship is $1,500 monthly to bi-monthly giving. Even though the student is not required to complete the studies within a given time, Yes must do so if wants to keep the benefit, so you must accredit 33 subjects in four years, to an average of 8 annual subjects.


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