80-member expert jury selects the L-mobile CRM app among the top 20 most innovative mobile solutions. Sulzbach an der Murr, 21.04.2010 – the expert jury of the IT innovation competition 2010 under the auspices of the Fraunhofer ICT group has chosen. Under 2000 applications counts the L-mobile CRM application to the top 20 of the most innovative IT solutions in the category mobile and receives highly recommended the predicate”. Among the top 20 it was tight. Here, only decimal decided to award the individual ranks. An 80-member jury consisting of professors, scientists, industry and professionals had to assess the severe Los all submitted products according to the criteria of innovation, practical relevance and suitability for SMEs. In a candidates record was set in the seventh year of the innovation competition of the Initiative Mittelstand again.
The jury turned over 2000 applicants. One of the submitted applications convinced with its mobile solution for customer management in the sales force. The L-mobile CRM iPhone application makes the permanent access to all relevant customer information from the CRM/ERP system finally flexible and highly ergonomic. With a few finger tips of field staff via iPhone go all relevant information at hand who can clarify open questions directly during the customer visit and orders immediately and digital capture and report back to the back end system. The new CRM app has qualify for the jury to 95 out of 100 possible points. The L-mobile CRM application finds himself in a hard-fought competition in terms of mobile solutions for 2000 participants under the 20 top echelons and also receives the sentence recommended by the jury”. For the first time in the competition, this award for L-mobile is even more a confirmation. That we did it with our new CRM app for iPhone straight away among the best makes me particularly proud”, so Markus Friday by L-mobile, father of the mobile solution.
Markus Friday, but also that is just as important as the jury’s verdict Feedback from the customers. Since a few weeks, the CRM app search is therefore L-mobile”available for free as a light version on the app store. The trial version allows up to 10 managed customers to get a first feel for the app. “Soon, even the versions are solo” and full “ready for up to 200 customers or to download unlimited number of customers.