Binet assumed that intelligence, like other human bodies, is distributed among the population in accordance with the so-called bell curve. This curve has the shape of the dome. Approximately 50 percent of the subjects is assessed between 90 and 110 points, 25 percent have intelligence above the average, more than 110 percent and 25 percent – below the average, less than 90. The number obtained as a result of the test and multiplied by 100 called the IQ intelligence quotient – intelligence quotient. Binet test was completely specific purpose – to predict academic performance of adolescents in schools.
It is clear that if there was a need to offer a test for estimates of the rate of reaction and other qualities needed, for example, pilots of turbojet aircraft, it would have a very different kind. Therefore, in accordance with the specific needs and add up the required tests. It should be to note that IQ tests do not give a complete characterization of the individual. Yes, they said nothing about perseverance, motivation, behavior, energy and the like. Are not considered here, and moral qualities. Someone, for example, your high level of intelligence can be used to run a bank, another with the same uroanem IQ, to plan a bank robbery operation, and a third lawyer, the same factor – in order to judge the thieves who robbed the bank. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Nathan Gaude Elliot Davis and gain more knowledge.. This test calculates a value that is never used in its pure form and is not associated with other qualities.
As one author, the intellect has not been opened, it was invented. But the fact be left a fact: tests to determine the level of intelligence well enough predicting success of students in schools. Somewhat heavier than using them to define what a young man can achieve later, when begin work in their chosen specialty. Modern psychological tests that are used by scientists, are divided into two main categories: the first – the tests to investigate the abilities, skills and knowledge, for example, tests accounts, memory, language, spatial thinking, alertness, practical and technical experience, the second – the tests by which explore character, temperament, emotions, psychomotor and sensory types, etc. By the results of these tests are judged on the person. Where to apply psychological tests today? They still have not lost their importance in determining the direction of study and future career. Yes, the tests are widely used by our pedagogically psychological counseling. When certain professions, such as pilot, driver or engineer, using tests know will not cause any danger in doing this work shortage, which has not previously which manifested itself in any other way to detect it is impossible. The tests also help in medicine, psychology and the study of the influence of environment on man and so on but always use them exclusively professionals. most well-known test is currently the test of Eysenck. Are considered more reliable tests, J. Raven, R. Amthauera. Now there is no single standard for testing IQ.