The Husband

June 28th, 2020 by nathan Leave a reply »

Although impactados for the personal experience with God, its characteristics as individuals had been kept. Additional information is available at Paul Price. E, ahead of this, considering the analogy that the bible makes of the marriage with the relation that God desires to have with its people, the conclusion that if can arrive is of that the submission of the woman to the husband in the marriage also does not involve destruction of defines what it in its individuality. Until why, if to trace the profile of women in the Bible we will see that God did not search to move in none of them what them it is peculiar as individuals that are. thus, nor all the women are as Sara, nor all are as Ester and nor all are Dbora. I would lock up this article this way, however, he becomes inevitable to inside approach of this subject ' ' submission of mulher' ' , the investigation that if makes on it to be able or not to teach. is concerning that we will start to treat now.

In its letter the Timteo, Pablo gave the following orientation: The woman learns in silence, with all the subjection. I do not allow, however, that the woman teaches, nor she uses of authority on the husband, but that she is in silence. Because first Adam was formed, later Eva. Adam was not deceived, but the woman, being deceived, fell in trespass. She will save herself, however, giving to the light children, if to remain with modstia in the faith, the love and the sanctification. I Timteo 2:9 – 15. In its letter to the corintos, it it says: The women are silenced in the churches; because she is not allowed to speak to them; but they are submissas as well as commands the law. if wants to be instructed on some point, interrogates in house its husbands, because a woman is shameful speech in the church.


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