Everything this on account of the cruel capitalist system that reigned in our country. Then, if on the other hand the capitalism brought development for another one brought exploration, therefore favored the growth and enrichment of the capitalist bourgeoisie and at the same time reproduced the social inaqualities and fidget in the classroom of the dominated explorers and, for the people without no doubt was submissos to the production capitalism. When if he speaks in crisis of the capitalism for many authors, studious as Runtington, Ariosvaldo amongst others the capitalism continues firm and that its crisis, in the truth, is not a crisis, therefore when he finds yourself that he is in crisis it obtains to raise very and strong. Therefore it is difficult to say that the capitalism is in decline, therefore it always is reerguido, however the crisis exists in fact for the laborers who coexist in the capitalism, but the same does not usufruct of, because only they are explored, vende cheap its hand of workmanship and finishes not supplying the basic necessities, as for example: feeding, health, clothes and education. Of this form the capitalism reproduces the value more and if it appropriates of it, excluding a part of the society that lives the edge of the system capitalist, being hardly explored without right to the basic conditions of survival. The crisis of the capitalism is not observed in no developed country as the countries of the Europe, U.S.A., Japan amongst others with lesser prominences, however in the had countries as countries of third world, concerteza will suffer the crisis with the fall from the stock exchange and, over all, not obtaining to compete with the great world-wide economies, therefore the world-wide powers are the dominadores and finish declaring insolvent the small economies, mainly in the exportation of products with more qualities and costs for the consumer lowest, thus deducting the national ones.