Posts Tagged ‘summaries and summaries’


July 5th, 2020

E thus, finishes being attracted by the life human being. One of the angels if gets passionate for a human being and, to be able to live the love, it becomes human, abandoning its immortality. New York Yankees often says this. One exists then exchange of experiences and vises. It starts to discover what he is to love, emotion basically human being, and it he starts to enxergar how much the mundane things are ephemeral. To if becoming human being the angel has that to discover in itself an identity human being. It is not something Groupon would like to discuss.

It passes then for a transformation process where he learns in accordance with to coexist the rules of the society. It also has that to learn to discover and to coexist the masks that the people acquire to be able to coexist well. In the film, only that they are capable to see the angels are the children, this happen because as well as the angels they are pure, not yet have the knowledge of its identities nor of the manipulation of the capitalist society, that not even many adults know. The film is almost all without strong tonalities to show as the world if finds without emotions and sample as they can be found in the simple things of the life. Thus, Wenders makes one criticizes to the capitalism that devaluates simplicity and supervalues the megalomanias of the current society. After-modernity is the factor that more influenced in the change of the daily one of the people.

It makes with that the individuals, influenced for the half miditicos, that, of certain form, are who determine the way of life of the population, if feel debtors to more think and to act of a form practical mechanics and. It is finished thus with the cio, that generally brings reflection concerning some aspects of the life. Everything this if must to the necessity of the sped up rhythm of the current world.

The Values

November 4th, 2014

In accordance with Freire (2005) the educator whom if it alienates to the ignorance, if enclausura being thus static in an invariable position which if finds to be the owner of the truth, the expert of knowing; whereas the pupils are ignorant. they do not obtain to learn and they do not know. This traditional conception understands to educate with the act of only transferring knowledge, therefore the man is a citizen the-description nails a pedagogia tecnicista conservative, which the transmission of the values translates oppression. In the measure where this vision annuls the creative power of the educandos or minimizes, stimulates thus its naivety and not its criticidade, being that it satisfies the interests of the oppressors, and for these the basic one is not the denudation of the world, its transformation. Its humanitarismo this in preserving the situation of that they are beneficiary and that the maintenance of its lack of generosity makes possible them. According to ideas of Freire (2005), the pupil in its necessary essence becomes free itself of the world oppresses that it to adentrar in its reality, to reach the practical liberator. This education that nails to such practical liberator, far from being utopia has been the way most efficient in the search of a pedagogia that longs for the intellectual growth of the society, that makes the difference between citizen and object, where the being passes if to question; to criticize; to analyze and to formulate its proper concepts with regard to the established truths daily pay, that is, leave the oppression and pass the release. The authentic release, that is the humanizao in process, is not a thing that if deposits in the men. It is not the hollowest, mitificante word. It is prxis, that it implies the action and the reflection of the men on the world for transforms it (FREIRE, 1987).