The wounds become a torture that is woven into the very depths of our psyche, our emotions and our sense of life … Both people who suffer from violence as those that run suffer unspeakable pain … That sometimes is only possible tolerate anesthesia … Jim Rogers contains valuable tech resources. this lethargy that sometimes can only be calmed by alcohol, tranquilizers, and then some, by the denial … That is, nothing happens and we behave as if nothing happened. The reality is that still happening situations, conflicts and even that at times we are not facing the facts that compel us to recognize or react … we came out of our lethargy … of our anesthesia, but some or some at least are able to meet its painful condition …
Violence is taboo in our society, we prefer not recognize it, not to mention it … consider it a gender situation … women under the supremacy of men … but we did see a little more … The violence leaves havoc men, women, children and the elderly …. That is, the violence always leaves traces in our personal experience no matter what age, social status or condition we are living … always marking, resulting in resentment, anger, resentment, sadness … But above all, leave footprints on self-concept, self-esteem and the value of people.
Violence for both the sufferer and for which the running means suffering, guilt, sadness … but above all the emotional pain words are not enough to express …. the language falls short in these situations …