Posts Tagged ‘Movie’

Smithsonian Institution

December 11th, 2019

About movie: Night at the Museum 2 plot will pack into containers most of the exhibits of the Museum of Natural History, and send them to the Smithsonian Archives in Washington. Following on site security guard arrives, Larry, whose heart will be broken historical figure played by Amy Adams. Year: 2009 Genre: Comedy, Action Director: Shawn Levy Cast: Ben Stiller, Amy Adams, Owen Wilson, Hank Azaria, Robin Williams, Christopher Guest, Alain Chabat, Steve Coogan, Ricky Gervais, Bill Hader Watch this film online! Animating statues, as a rule, appear in the film scary, bloodthirsty monsters, especially when it comes to figures made of wax. The most famous example interpretation of this theme in the comedy vein, not so long ago, got a sequel. 2006, screens out "Night at the Museum" dedicated to the adventures of a loser Larry Daley, hired a night watchman at New York's Museum of Natural history. In the workplace, Larry ran rampant with statues of idols, stuffed animals and wax images of historical figures that in the absence of unauthorized visitors wandering the halls. /a>. Charges of this film five times exceeded its 110-million budget, making it almost inevitable emergence of further – not to mention repeatedly referred to the increased attendance of the museum. The action moves to a new picture archive of the largest museum complex in the world – the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, where by mistake sent several animated pieces from the New York museum.

Following them in the capital comes Larry, eager to rescue their friends. However, not all so simple – trying to rid the establishment guards his vzashey. Worse still, among the fallen in the media-sonianskie wall of heroes is Pharaoh and Ra Ra Moon and his mysterious plate awakening in life FIGS. So at night on arrival the heroes in Washington in the museum's hallways and over-crystals begins this babel. Stunned Whirlpool times and peoples, Larry is ready to go home, leaving his comrades to fate, but his plans changed with the introduction revived Al-Amil Hart, the renowned pioneer of aviation, the first woman, pereletevshih Atlantic Ocean. In addition to the beautiful new tape in the Amil Livaya to force in the first part of a historical persona grata joined by, among others, Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon, Ivan the Terrible, General Custer, Einstein, the Wright brothers and Al Capone. The worst is conducive to the transformation of this venerable Meeting in uniform bedlam flown items from the hall devoted to space exploration. Well, the neighborhood screen airplanes, shuttles, and the Hun cavalry men in felt hats with "Thompson" at the ready provided artists and masters of special effects opportunities to hit the viewer's imagination, moreover, may attract fans of the film genres of alternative history fiction and steampunk.


March 22nd, 2012

Another game, other rights! Since then, should we not start it? Well, exactly the same game with the actors themselves? Or be a stunning visual stage? Or with a brilliant soundtrack, immerse you into this world so much that after watching film, taking off his spectacles, already hard to move away from all this folly color and paint? Interesting. Not exhausted. Unusual. Fascinating. Is this enough? Perhaps not so much full of how to do this, we wanted to, but it's still a blockbuster, Koi invested in large pennies, and who is required to bring a king's ransom.

But, alas, it is not a great film for the mass viewer, so the sacrifice and is communicated to all. Yet odnaobrazno, each tries to find himself something up later in the movie. And of course in the "throne" for sure, too. Kevin Flynn ekranizoval his creation above all things, hoping to create an ideal environment. Here's how it was with many notable champions universal. Only he came understand this in consequence of which would lead to profound collapse. Nothing is complete and nothing is perfect, since there is no ideal. Yes, these things would not go.

Indeed there are in fact the same Hollywood patterns, and yak without the same their participation. After all, Hollywood itself. You and I, so we're now accustomed to not pay for their participation. May be, indeed, not enough ekshina, and even entirely and heavily fine. Kartinochka just amazing realization. This cyber megagalaktika really asks immerse themselves in the main penetration minutes into it.