Posts Tagged ‘finances’

Stocks Astound Investors

April 16th, 2024

) After their recent nosedive, the crude oil prices in a slight upward trend have returned to LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Crude oil prices in a slight upward trend are returned to their recent nosedive. The commodity exchanges reported yesterday at times quotations of under 76 dollars (WTI) and under $99 (Brent), the contracts in the early trading today for 82 or 105 dollars were traded. The volatility is likely to remain first get; nothing is safe on the stock markets at present. The impetus for rising prices came yesterday from the U.S. inventory data of the American Petroleum Institute. Due to the economic situation, market participants actually originated by increasing stocks. Announcing the figures, the significant reduction of in crude oil inventories surprised however, also diesel, heating oil and gasoline were less.

Investors now waiting for the details of the energy authority DOE. However: The fundamental economic and financial problems, which became acute during the last few weeks, change also some barrels more or less nothing. “People can dream but a world up, in which certain problems are hidden. Esyoil expert Dr. Klaus Bergmann to judge the financial scene is definitely able to”. In the short term, but in addition he sees “Some downside potential” in the development of price – despite commodity speculators. But first the local heating oil consumers must accept a small Downer in terms of slightly more appealing cover costs after days of bliss. The yesterday’s soaring of crude oil prices striking here…

Malte Papen

February 11th, 2019

Now around 15 years he scans the markets worldwide for good trading systems, trading letters and traders off, to its customers to be able to offer excellent investment opportunity. Hans-Jurgen Haack is a graduate economist with more than 25 years of stock market experience. During his studies, his interest in the exchanges began and consequently, he wrote his thesis about the technical analysis of stock prices. in 1989, he began as an Assistant to the stock exchange legend Hans A. Bernecker and quickly developed a soft spot for futures markets. “” The derivative specialist in-house Bernecker he was responsible for the derivatives Futures Exchange daily letters from 1998″, which then became the down trading” was, and the derivatives exchange “. Hans-Jurgen Haack occurs regularly in investor television and has lectured at seminars, trading days/fairs and roadshows of issuers.

Since mid-January, he is hired as head of the Department Martkanalysen in PP brokerage and created the daily derivatives exchange letter h DAILY under the portal. Interested parties can his trading signals immediately in the form of a managed account at low cost by PP brokerage trade with get chili chili is a comparison platform for managed accounts. Institutional – private investors and media participants have the opportunity to compare the performance of different managed accounts on this website. By Capitalteam consulting, researched and tested performance and risk indicators facilitate the selection of appropriate providers interested parties. For more information, see. Press contact Malte Papen note to managed accounts managed accounts in favour of mostly chance-oriented investment styles that are not suitable in any arbitrary percentage scale for the securities accounts of investors. The right trading strategies in the right dosage, however can give zest to traditional securities accounts and contribute significantly to a better chance / risk ratio.