Julio Matheson

July 27th, 2018 by nathan Leave a reply »

Analyzing all these modifications, we verify the necessity of them, for being about one another language: the cinematographic one. It does not have the possibility of being faithful to the words, what it exists in the cinema is the creation of a new form of art, that can be based on Literature, but that it does not work with words. Therefore, this ticket of the symbolic language for the icnica requires its adaptations, Matheson perceived impossibility to transpose a book in images, creating a so beautiful film how much the romance, but that it has significaes/different motivations. Notes 1 ‘ ‘ Experiment a sublime sensation to verwhelm entire communities, with one alone blow of vontade’ ‘ (MATHESON, 1990, P. 23.

Translation Lusa Ibaez) 2 ‘ ‘ Why I came here? Everything now is illogical. Two hundred and six kilometers so that? ‘ ‘ (MATHESON, 1990, p.23. Translation Lusa Ibaez) 3 ‘ ‘ Yielding the originals to the publisher, I made a vast suppression of useless stretches in the first part of the manuscript. (…) In any way I feel myself guilty for what fiz’ ‘ (MATHESON, 1990, P. 11.

Translation Lusa Ibaez) 4 is not to surprise that Richard developed the illusion of that had retreating in the time to find Elise Mckenna. (MATHESON, 1990, P. 282. Translation Lusa Ibaez) 5 the material of a novel is the words, the material of a film is the images (…) Where measured if it can speak of adaptation and not of a new and independent creation? (Translation ours) 6 and to the failure of one have from there filmed so ambitious as the Ulisses (1966), of Joseph Strick, who if limited to place in images the argument of the novel of James Joyce, without leading in account that the previous problem age to find a visual equivalent for the way to tell of Joyce. (Translation ours) BIBLIOGRAPHY BARROS, Diana Light Person of; FIORIN, Jose Luiz. Dialogismo, polifonia, intertextualidade. So Paulo: Edusp, 1999. FIORIN, Jose Luiz. Introduction to the pesamento of Bakhtin. So Paulo: It stokes, 2006. GIMFERRER, Pere. Cine y literature. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 2005. MATHESON, Richard. Somewhere in teams.


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