Health Services

March 22nd, 2012 by nathan Leave a reply »

MG the world of the work is subject to the effect of the technological, economic and social transformations that occur the moment all. These transformations constitute a great challenge for the management of human resources and people. The archaic form and conservative as the human resources are being lead inside of the health services provide resulted inefficient and unsatisfactory. The diverse theoretical models that influence the administrative systems of the human resources of the health organizations are the same ones that they are applied in the organizations in a general way. Some models had gotten great success in virtue to have conquered better resulted of productivity increase.

However this increase of productivity has been reached through one high human cost, reducing the workers the numbers and not much more that beings automatons. Although the unquestionable success of these models, the organizations, thus structuralized, possesss great limitations to survive in the current competitive world. They possess difficulties of if to adaptarem the change situations because they had been planned to reach objective predetermined and had not been prepared for the innovation. The administration approaches had been conceived for a management of steady and previsible situations. The globalization process brought the increment of the competitiveness and consequence necessity of improvement of the capacity of production of the organizations.

The evolution of the technology makes possible the introduction of new compositions of work thus demanding, one strong capacity of organizacional adaptation. The flexibilizao of the relations of work and the managemental models needs new attitudes to each moment. In this context of instability and competitiveness of the relations, the traditional structures had become vulnerable, imposing adoption of innovative systems of management. In Brazil the regional, cultural and economic diversities are not possible to visualize predominant a model organizacional.


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