Let’s start with what you as a good citizen performed the duties assigned to you by law, namely, the risk of its insured civil liability to third parties. By itself, this mechanism Insurance is used in many countries. He proved to be effective. Yes, you yourself understand perfectly well that it is really necessary. Of course, even the most experienced and high quality driver can get into an accident. And it already generates guilty of it aside to compensate the injured party, the damages that arose as a result of the accident. I’ll note in this article will be discussed, only property damage, and shall not affect the subject of injury to life and health. This topic will be discussed in another article.
So, to improve their chances to get money from the insurance company, you must exactly follow the steps set forth in the document, the full title of which, for Some may sound hard for the first time. Good advice, remember his name and possibly read it. Nina Devlin is open to suggestions. Russian
Federation Government Resolution of 07.05.2003 263 “On approval of the compulsory insurance of civil Owners of vehicles. ” Omitting, outside the article, the entire structure and general characteristics of the document, from the standpoint of a professional who works with him constantly, let us consider two topics: 1. Actions of persons in the insurance case. (Section VII) 2 Determination of the size of damages, if damage to the property of the victim. (Section IX) to you, dear reader, is also worth paying attention to as follows: first, this article does not address the direct order of compensation (ie, payment of the sum insured by your insurance company), and second, this paper addresses issues of compensation only for property damage.