Economic Cooperation

March 22nd, 2013 by nathan Leave a reply »

Flattery is like the shadow, not makes us larger or smaller. Proverb Danish General considerations the dynamics of the economic scenarios global enta too active to the serious crisis which many countries face and seek the way how to find ways to strengthen the financierqas institutions, restore economic security, avoiding the impact of the Recesionperu is host of the annual Asia Pacific economic cooperation forum, comprising 21 countrieswhich would create an opportunity for Bush and the Peruvian President, Alan Garcia, announce the implementation of the agreement. APEC does not have a formal treaty, its decisions are taken by consensus and works based on non-binding declarations. It has a General Secretariat, headquartered in Singapore, which is in charge of coordinating the technical support and consulting. Each year one of the Member countries is guest of the annual meeting of the APEC. The Summit of the year 2007 was held in Australia and the next Summit will be in APEC brings together government officials from the highest level, through the meetings of Ministers of State since its creation in 1989, and from 1993 also attracts at each annual meeting of the heads of State.

It has a General Secretariat, headquartered in Singapore, which is in charge of coordinating the technical support and consulting. Also, recall (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, in Spanish Forum of Asia-Pacific economic cooperation) is a multilateral forum created in 1989, which he deals with issues related to trade, economic coordination and cooperation between its members. As a mechanism for cooperation and concerted economic action is aimed at the promotion and facilitation of trade, investment, economic and technical cooperation and regional economic development of the countries and territories of the Pacific Ocean basin. The sum of the gross national product of the 21 economies that make up APEC is equivalent to 56 per cent of global production, in both that as a whole they represent 46 percent of global trade.


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