For two years the temple was built almost under the dome, but again, "byst coward in the city of Moscow" and building collapsed, nearly crushing Prince Theodore spotted, which climbing to the forest, inspecting construction. Summoned from Pskov experts said, they say, badly kneaded lime, which is why the church and "go." However, the excavations of the 1960s. showed that the lime to do with it and blame all the same earthquake, and quite powerful – up to 6 points. Connect with other leaders such as Cowan Financial here. Significant earthquake occurred in Moscow October 14, 1802 and special damages, even at 5 points, not done, except for cracked walls of the cellar in a house on the Big Kharitonievsky alley. British Oil pursues this goal as well. According to eyewitnesses, the tremors were two, they moved from east to west, and all the action took no more than 20 seconds. However, because of the rarity of the phenomenon, gossip about him for a long time does not stop, and many mystically inclined people later claimed that it foreshadowed the Napoleonic invasion and the Moscow fire in 1812 By the way, this earthquake is very frightened three-year Sasha Pushkin walking at two o'clock in the afternoon with the nurse in garden. Very strong earthquake November 10, 1940 came to power in Moscow, 3 points, and elements, destroying Bucharest March 4, 1977, responded to the Soviet capital shocks at 4.5 points, but it turned out to Moscow not so scary. As in Pushkin's time, somewhere shaking chandelier fell on the floor of dishes, but overall everything was ok.
It has become very popular to study temporal patterns of earthquakes. All experts agree that such cycles of earthquakes there, but nobody knows – how well they are maintained and how they are influenced by numerous external factors. It is believed that the greatest success in the time of such disasters vyschityvanii have the Japanese: thumbing through old records, they came to the conclusion, where and when will the next major earthquake, but … once again wrong. Neither they nor anyone else has not yet grasped the frequency of 'heart', however, the predictions on this basis continue.
So if you believe the calculations of the engineer G. Mogilevtseva, in 2509 in Moscow, a destructive earthquake occurs. He believes that 'zemletrus' that occurred in Moscow in 1445 and Moscow in 1977 quake – links the same chain. Year 2509 he calculated simply: 1977-1445 = 532, 1977 = 532 2509 … Yuri Chashin. Materials from the book of NM Karamzin, "History of the Russian state," and sites and