Bradesco Broker

June 14th, 2012 by nathan Leave a reply »

The customer who is very not made entire prefers to operate in the deep ones because somebody goes to take the decision of investment for ele' '. At a moment of reduction of the basic interest – the Selic can fall below of 10% to the year in the next meeting to the Cup, -, in such a way bigger the weight of the costs in income of the investor. An applicator that had acquired last week R$ 5 a thousand in Letters of Tesouro Nacional (LTN) with expiration in 1 of January of 2012 would have in the Ita Broker an income of 5,17% in the rescue, already considered the costs and the taxation. If it opted, for example, for a broker whom it does not charge for the service, case of the Banif, Socopa and Spinelli, it would have a liquid return of 8,95%. Between an alternative and another one, the difference is of R$ 319, the equivalent 6.4%, more than what the real interest.

This wants to say that the inflation in the period will have been considered, the applicator can be same in the damage. The international crisis had much to see with the initiative of the Bradesco to reduce the costs: ' ' With the volatileness of the market in the passed year, the customer left the stock market and she did not have where to invest in the proper broker, she finished leaving and mais&#039 did not come back; ' , it affirms the Bradesco Broker, recognizing that the cost of 4% to the year in the Direct Treasure was considered high excessively for the customers of the house. The resistance inside of the conglomerate was slope from the agreement of that the segment of deep in the bank already well is consolidated. In the Bank of intermediate Brazil biggest of the Direct Treasure – with one it slices of 21,4% of the supply of R$ 2,8 billion in vendidos public headings until the end of the last year and with 27 a thousand customers more than registered in cadastre -, never it had the conflict deep-Tesouro.O bank considers the charged tax, of 0,50% to the year, compatible with the current Selic, of 10,25% to the year, but it says that if the fall trajectory if to go deep, the institution will be sensible to the revision of this cost.


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