Advantages Of Living In Wooden Houses

July 11th, 2012 by nathan Leave a reply »

A house to enjoy nature without trying to exhaust the reasons, nor too deeply into them, we highlight here some interesting. The ecology and protection of the environment of concern to most citizens. Among all the building materials, wood is, as you know, the only natural and processing operations renovable.Las wood tree are minimal and hardly needs energy, compared with other traditional materials. The wooden house comes from the forest, the lungs of the earth that generates oxygen, fixed carbon dioxide and reduce the greenhouse effect, an environment in which develop the most environmentally friendly materials: wood. Contrary to what is advocated by some radical environmentalists. At any latitude where we are and whatever the tree species, the forest must be maintained and cut to order for your cycle continue natural. Abandoned in the forests of old trees die, victims of competition among themselves, are attacked by pests, and decay.

The forest then ceases to produce oxygen thus alters their ecological role. Respecting the immutable cycle of nature, must therefore be a rational as to maintain the forest asset. A healthy housing particularly in the managed forest is pure and healthy. See, touch and feel the trees causes breathing being perceived to some extent in the homes of wood. This sense of comfort and welfare is not an illusion: the wood is one of the healthier construction materials. First, the wooden house is a house that breathes and absorbs moisture regularizing you flush it out of the environment and the interior.

Helps prevent rheumatic ailments and respiratory infections, to stabilize the moisture, and filter and purify the air. The bioelectric field of natural wood also provides a state of equilibrium in the human body. Our metabolism, influenced by radiation and Earth’s electromagnetic fields, can suffer in a traditional house of true effects Faraday cage. The timber, permeable to natural radiation, do not distort these subtle fields, contributing to health. An old Scandinavian proverb says. “If your doctor can not do anything for you, buy a wooden house.” On the other hand the acoustic properties of wood are widely recognized: absorbs the wave energy it receives, thereby reducing noise pollution. The wooden house is a quiet house, reducing the stress of their inhabitants. The sociological and symbolic criteria of the materials are baseline data and provide a design tool for any designer. Wood refers directly to natural values that man needs to feel on their own organic condition. Without falling into pantheistic or mythologies telluric attitudes should be emphasized that it is a living material, which causes an emotional bond with nature making us symbolically return to our roots.


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