Archive for February, 2019

Malte Papen

February 11th, 2019

Now around 15 years he scans the markets worldwide for good trading systems, trading letters and traders off, to its customers to be able to offer excellent investment opportunity. Hans-Jurgen Haack is a graduate economist with more than 25 years of stock market experience. During his studies, his interest in the exchanges began and consequently, he wrote his thesis about the technical analysis of stock prices. in 1989, he began as an Assistant to the stock exchange legend Hans A. Bernecker and quickly developed a soft spot for futures markets. “” The derivative specialist in-house Bernecker he was responsible for the derivatives Futures Exchange daily letters from 1998″, which then became the down trading” was, and the derivatives exchange “. Hans-Jurgen Haack occurs regularly in investor television and has lectured at seminars, trading days/fairs and roadshows of issuers.

Since mid-January, he is hired as head of the Department Martkanalysen in PP brokerage and created the daily derivatives exchange letter h DAILY under the portal. Interested parties can his trading signals immediately in the form of a managed account at low cost by PP brokerage trade with get chili chili is a comparison platform for managed accounts. Institutional – private investors and media participants have the opportunity to compare the performance of different managed accounts on this website. By Capitalteam consulting, researched and tested performance and risk indicators facilitate the selection of appropriate providers interested parties. For more information, see. Press contact Malte Papen note to managed accounts managed accounts in favour of mostly chance-oriented investment styles that are not suitable in any arbitrary percentage scale for the securities accounts of investors. The right trading strategies in the right dosage, however can give zest to traditional securities accounts and contribute significantly to a better chance / risk ratio.

Loose Animal In Mendoza

February 8th, 2019

The Zoological Garden of the city of Mendoza is one of most important of Latin America. It was founded on 1903 on a project of the famous landscaper Carlos Thays, and originally one was near the Pulgarcito theater. In 1940, the construction of the new zoo of the city began, in its present location in the skirts of the Hill of the Gloria, in the Park San Martin, to minutes of the center and the main hotels of capital Mendoza. The project, signed by the architect Daniel Branches Strap, was very advanced and ambitious: the mendocino zoo inaugurated the concept of zoological garden of open doors . The location of the animal was in great semiabiertos spaces, that did not have grates, that tried to reproduce the more faithfully possible natural habitat of each species. And although at present this novel concept went away weakening with the construction of some cages, especially for dangerous animal, the Zoological Garden of the Park San Martin continues being a great stroll of attractive, one of the imperdibles of the vacations in Mendoza. The zoo counts today on a route of 6.5 km of extension populated with a fascinating colony of animal species.

Some native ones, other exotic ones and even in extinction danger. In its 48 hectares totally afforested they inhabit monkeys, polar birds, elephants, tigers, zebras, hippopotami, vixens, flames, vicunas and bears, to name only some of the 35 present species. It is as much what there is to see and to facinar themselves that to cross the zoo completely must consider 3 hours approximately. The personnel of the zoo, conscious of the importance of this stroll within the tourism in Mendoza, organized guided visits that they intend main to bring back to consciousness on the necessity to help to preserve the world-wide fauna and flora, taking care of the planet. In the Zoological one an educative program dedicated to the students of Natural Sciences exists and Biology. The enthusiastic diffusion on the part of the participants of this program, who distribute ad honorem promotional pamphlets in the schools and between those who spend their vacations in Mendoza, has turned to the zoo mendocino in a stroll forced for all that one that is, temp or permanently, in earth cuyanas. The Zoological Garden of the Hill of the Gloria remains open throughout the year, and his more than accessible tariffs they contemplate discounts for minors, educational and retired. A stroll that will the same make the great and small delights of.

Geographical Mobilities

February 7th, 2019

In this feeling throughout its process of development different forms are proven to perceive, to think and to reflect partner-space, generating the phenomena of metodolgicas lines, on which they had based the process of construction of the geographic knowledge. Geography as science pautou some times, for the attempt to define a specific object of analysis and in the delimitation of borders in relation to other sciences, other times for the definition and of a method of research or for the metodolgicas transformations. The influence of Geography Politics (1897) of Friedrich Ratzel, giving origin Geography Human being, catching in the notion of ‘ ‘ space vital’ ‘ , and the metaphor of the state as ‘ ‘ organism vivo’ ‘ , the movements of territorial expansion of the capitalist system in century XIX. We initiate our quarrel with a briefing in commentary around the systematization of Geography, similar of, to arrive at the point of our interest, that is the borders and its mobilities. OBJECTIVES: To consider an analysis, through bibliographical revision, on the establishment of the borders and its mobilities, searching to point the characteristics of modernity; To understand the relation of the borders with the social movements and politicians; To clarify in a vision humanist, the creation of the territory, its landmarks. limits, the conceptualization and elaboration of borders in which they are passveis of continuous mobility. METHODOLOGY: For the complexity of the subject, the best methodology would be through the bibliographical revision, in which it approaches pertinent subjects to the subject, where I congregated ideas for the development of the reflections related to the intention. Through books, articles and sites, where the main paradigms and chains of the borders and its mobilities had been listed..