Archive for April, 2018

Southern Europe

April 21st, 2018

Already as, constructed in the first half of the Sixties, supposedly it was destined to the history education. Then we would have to wait a great difference of significao of Africa due to a secular distance and of objectives of these workmanships. In the Mediterranean the continent related one appears loaded of crucial significaes for the understanding of the relations that if uncurl in the Interior sea and had contributed in capital way for the construction of the European territory in century XVII. Exactly thus it occupies space irrisrio, less than ten percent of the workmanship, pfio way subsaariana Africa or ' ' Country of the Negros' ' he is boarded, whose felt it is guaranteed from the contact with the Europeans. We stand out that both continents possess a gamma of tipificaes according to geographic part or the aspect to be detached.

In this context it has a frequency of Africa terms, South Africa, equatorial Africa, Africa occidental person, Africa Menor and Africa of the North. We also perceive the frequency of the terms Europe, Central Europe, Europe Occidental person, Southern Europe, Europe Oriental and Northern Europe. Curious fact is the minimum presence of the Africa term in detriment of Africa of the North, while in the treatment of the other continent the privilege is given for the Europe term, disrespecting excessively. Of this made process of significao of Africa in fricas it occurs for the extreme adjetivao of the substantive, that, if on the other hand tries to locate it geographically, in another hand differentiates it of same it as it was a series of distinct and juxtaposed places. In addition the great frequency of Europe to the side of Africa of the North, induces to think us it about an attempt to approach this of that one, making a movement of europeizao in the coast north of Africa to the step isolates that it of the south for the desert.