Hardly if it can contest the fact of that it, with effect, does not authorize no reply to this questo.' ' (WEBER, 1993, p.18) Leaving of the concept of ' ' desencantamento of mundo' ' we can search some relations with the concept of ' ' modernity lquida' ' considered for Zygmunt Bauman. For the author the metaphor ' ' modernity lquida' ' it points some characteristics of this time that you beginning with the modernity, marked for the invasion of the instrumental rationalism, for the new technologies, the capitalist development, the globalization, the rationalization and the scientific development. Bauman affirms the modernity-liquid (or after-modernity) as a moment of ' ' melting of slidos' ' , they are values and scientific conceptions, theories, technologies, economic model and even though behavior standards. According to author, the solids if keeps and possesss durability while the liquids have the slightness capacity, always has flexibility and malleability, being ready if to adapt. ' ' But modernity was not a process of ' ' liquefao' ' since the start? He was not ' ' melting of slidos' ' its bigger pastime and main accomplishment? In other words, modernity was not ' ' fluida' ' since its conception? ' ' (BAUMAN, 2001, p.9) This characteristic liquidity of after-modernity points a moment fruit of a movement where some basic changes had occurred. We can detach the English Industrial Revolution of century XVIII as one of the events that had inaugurated modernity (previous period to liquid modernity). The Revolution brought obtains the capitalist ideal of material productivity and speed as quality standard. This ideal if firmed as one of the great bases of modernity and also of after-modernity. E, inside of this context, new positions and standards of behavior had appeared. A new economic model (capitalism) started to dictate new rules to this society appeared of the attempt of melting of old social standards.