Have you made sure first that you are sending less than his best? Many job seekers do not realize that both the resume and cover letter are considered as examples of the quality of their work. This means that all aspects of overall quality are important? including spelling, grammar, visual design, organization and clarity of writing. Errors stand out like a flashing red light, and everything that makes the resume and cover letter difficult to follow may lead them to be cast aside. To avoid the error # 2, follow this rule of thumb: Have at least two other people read both your resume and cover letter before you send out. Tell them your job search strategy so they know what you want to communicate to your employer.
Error # 3: Cyber-Regrets The employer has called for an interview! In addition, you are prompted to mail a copy of your resume to another person in the company. That's easy? a brief note with an attachment from Word? Right? Incorrect. An informal approach to the world of computing can lead to embarrassing errors. Unfortunately, e-mails usually can not be called again after clicking the "send". As before, avoid mistake # 3 for the treatment of any letter as both an opportunity to convey their grades and a sample of your writing. Avoid common e-mail and paragraphs short and concise shorthand? The first can be regarded as "unprofessional" and the latter as impersonal. Finally, to be on the safe side, print your e-mail and attachments to make sure everything looks good on paper. Then send the e-mail at least one person, and ask them to review both the content and appearance.
Error # 4: Missed opportunity has prepared for the interview and thought about all that you may have to offer. Not much more you can do? Right? Incorrect. Chances are that at some point in the interview, the employer to turn the tables and say, "Do you have any questions?" If you respond by saying "no" or to the practical ("What is your benefits package?"), This is a wasted opportunity. To avoid the error # 4, think of several questions beforehand? questions that speak directly to the responsibilities and challenges of working in yes. Employers want to know how to think and what they would like to work, your questions are an opportunity to demonstrate that it can meet the challenges of working in a constructive way. Error # 5: Dropping the ball You had a strong interview, and is waiting to see if you got the job. At least now you can take a breather while you wait? Right? Incorrect. Until you have a job offer, assume that it's up to you to keep the ball in the air. First, send a letter of appreciation to each person who interviewed him, referring to one or more things that were discussed. Secondly, monitoring at regular intervals to indicate your interest and keep their prospects. It is tempting to stay back so that "there will be a nuisance? but job seekers who drops the ball may lose the person who is polite and persistent enthusiasm. e 2005 Ruth Anderson Ruth Anderson is the owner of Vantage Point Coaching & Consulting and author of resume writing with confidence: How to create great resumes and have the confidence to use it successfully. Learn more about their products and services, including coaching and unique introduction to BSQUEDA EMPLOYMENT Tune-Up, or write to mailto: