Posts Tagged ‘finance’

Saving For Old Age

March 14th, 2019

I agree – the amount is not shocking, but then the bank account for 10% per annum – not the most profitable option is bringing a lot more revenue options. Yes, and it was only about one thousand rubles, most families will be able to select and a large amount. Even so, not very the revenue scenario, one month out of 15 years would cost: 416378.72 / (15 * 12) = 2313.22 rubles, do not lose them. What to do with the accumulated amount – the amount of private business owner, but even if we just continue to keep the money in the account, removing only the monthly interest, it would be: 416378.72 / (100 * 0.83) = 3455.94 rubles. The vast majority of pensioners can only dream of such a monthly supplement to their pensions. Learn more at this site: Slava Mirilashvili. Clarify – these figures are fairly conventional, but I think you caught the essence of thought: do not postpone the start of their savings, start today, in extreme cases – tomorrow.

Would be very nice if you begin to explore ways of investment of their funds to obtain the best results. Or maybe you already know them, and successfully applied in practice, then help others – share their knowledge and experience, write me, I'll publish your tips on the site. Generally, though, say that this way you can collect a very, very decent amount. I wanted to check for yourself than it is now doing. It turns out quite well. A very important question – how can still raise funds for a monthly deposit into a savings account at a bank. The answer is simple – if you're still not done home accounting and planning your budget, then as soon as you experience any proceeds immediately to take the bank 10% of received amount.

I assure you – you do not feel special inconveniences. In fact, there is a big difference: 10 rubles in his pocket, or 9. If you're recording in the cash book or in a computer program for a few months, you will be able to plan their spending for the coming month and to raise funds, and savings' on Old Age ', and for savings on something specific. The main rule – as soon as got some money, some of them immediately carry into a bank, or fund, or wherever you decide to keep the money. I repeat: once, then the money just will not! Check for yourself. Good luck to you and prosperity.

Central Bank

October 7th, 2013

Agent Banks in the second level make loans and are looking for projects profitable financing. Often, they use technologies and methods to lending that banks borrow from the organizers of the first level. Such a model does not exclude the implementation of independent programs lending by individual banks, but most Russian banks are not willing to lend to both small business and act as organizers of lending programs for third-party providers of banks – the fact that most financial intermediaries in the regions exist at the expense of short-term deposits! These banks can not provide long-term loans to entrepreneurs for a renewal of fixed assets. Banks are limited to short-term lending for working capital (up to 1 year and more often – for 3-6 months). Such care improves the reliability of the regional banks, but, unfortunately, short-term loans do not allow small and medium-sized businesses to upgrade their production.

In addition, most regional banks are relatively small. Even loans to small businesses to upgrade their production facilities to create these banks increased credit risks. Besides issuing these loans are small banks could lead to violation of several standards established by the Central Bank of Russia. Banks can not alone provide all micro-credit, therefore, are reluctant to issue a large number of small loans due to high transaction costs associated with the evaluation and control of each. As a result, small and medium-sized businesses wishing to get a loan in the amount of $ 10,000 to $ 20,000 are having difficulty finding outside sources of funding.