, Nintendo announced the development of a new generation of games … without the players! You will say – this movie! I answer – no! Manufacturers of toys spoiled gamer. It's true. I mean, the last generation of players, for which all pass games came down to continuous firing, jumping and contemplation Shader some water on green sunset … The idea of Nintendo, at the request of the creative director Shigeru Miamoto / Shigeru Miyamoto / reduces to the fact that at certain moments when a player for whatever reason, can not get a "piece" of the game, could break into the auto transmission and trust Artificial Intelligence.
Each one of us there were moments when the 'gifted' boss would not let pass the level, or too complex acrobatic exercise made it impossible to further progress. Then we looked for cheats and passwords, breaking levels and combination locks … Now, on the idea of Nintendo, you can enable a kind of "autopilot" and enjoy the action at the monitor, then to pick up the game again and go further on the subject. And so quickly and without hassle to write a review for a game with such a function, it will just be happy!