
June 30th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

The most important assessment criteria are as follows: Criterion legislature. Given the existing legislation in that it protects a number of species and / or ecosystems and not others, we shall esteem it a greater degree they meet the other (at least initially.) Diversity. Variability of living organisms at all levels, as well as the relations between them are established. Rarity and representativeness. In the rare economic sense is valuable. Gain insight and clarity with Jonah Bloom.

Also rare is also more vulnerable. The representative also measures how close is the optimal resource definable. Naturalness. That has not been transformed by man's natural. However, due to the difficulty of finding space with these characteristics we extend the definition to those spaces, having been altered by man, substantially retain their character.

Productivity. Degree of isolation of this element with respect to others of their species. Unable to be replaced. Quality (performance of the functions performed by that element of the medium). Fragility or vulnerability (susceptibility to change due to external disturbances to the ecological environment). Uniqueness. The trend in the future. Evolution of the item. Anticipating impacts. Projected changes to let us have it clear what impacts are remarkable compared to those that are minimal (legislative criterion in this classification). This assessment is achieved by crossing the elements of the project from the elements that will be affected by it in environment. The impacts have to be characterized (described), ranked by severity of the impact value of MA and evaluated on a global basis.


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