New York Cornell Medical Center

March 5th, 2020 by nathan Leave a reply »

Relax. Stress – the first cause of fat accumulation in the abdomen. Stress increases cortisol, a hormone that promotes the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, said Jacob Seidel (Ph.D. National Institute of Health in Bilthoven, the Netherlands). For stress relief is perfect following exercise. Sit down in a quiet and convenient location.

We collect a deep breath and slowly exhale. It clarifies the mind. Continuing to breathe deeply, focus on pronunciation of the word “one” on each exhalation. (If you were distracted, that’s okay. Again, focus on the word “one.”) Make exercise for 5-10 minutes once or twice a day. Forget about alcohol. A glass of wine at dinner – and you’re not intermeddle in jeans. Alcohol increases cortisol levels, putting fat on your stomach, says Dr.

Seidel. Stop smoking. “Smoking helps me to be slim” – says most smokers. But the fact is that smokers belly fat is concentrated more than non-smokers, according to Dr. Seidel. Eat plenty of fiber foods. This has a positive effect on weight loss (Fiber fills the stomach and therefore do not feel hungry) and it does not cause constipation, which can cause bloating, says Lawrence J. Cheskin, MD, a gastroenterologist and director of the Johns Hopkins weight management in Baltimore. Every day is enough to eat from 25 to 38 grams of fiber in the form of food grains, fruits and vegetables or supplements. Drink plenty of water. In the premenstrual period, or drink a lot of water. This will help to remove swelling, without harming the general condition of the body. Do not forget about the bones. Osteoporosis – a disease that affects the bones. Weak bones of the spine can not hold the weight of the body, and this may eventually lead to the stoop. “Stooping, there is no place for abdominal and stomach starts to bulge so” – said Vilibald Nagler, MD, a retired physical therapist at New York Cornell Medical Center.


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