Kate Middleton

September 25th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

I woke up today to the five hours of the morning, and still idiot of sleep I was pra room and I bound the television to attend the marriage most famous of the world and the century, the weddings of the son of the Diana princess with the plebeian Kate Middleton, pretty, classic, charmosa and sortuda young woman – at least so far – but that we desire forever that either. Amen. In the British country already they were nine hours and in principle only I amused me pra to be valid with the parade of the elegant invited personalities, the women with Griffe dresses and the men of fraque, coat leaves that them very funny, similar to beetles. Senator from Maine insists that this is the case. Some seemed half too easely enthusiastic individuals, other half scared, adentravam the secular abbey where would be carried through the majestical marriage. Bizarrices to the part, all the ceremony was simple, classic and pretty and the couple seemed to be very happy and visibly moved. No longer palace, after fulfilled the custom formalities, the saideira of the fiancs is of the protocol was sensational, in one cadilac the opened sky, dragging a pile of penduricalhos, where it only lacked exactly a beautiful penico making that one barulhinho peculiar for the street the rejection. as pra me prince woman is princeza, that God blass the princess! Desire that the new couple is happy and that the new prince if never transforms into a frog, as unhappyly, to the times si to happen Jnia


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