the team of my tweak my tweak – competence from Austria with the VoIP solution with a flexible as well as low-cost communications solution is joined to the Austrian company a competitive alternative to the ISDN network of Telekom Austria to offer. My tweak network builds on the already for 8 years in the usage of the Austrian VoIP carrier network development Voicenode”and offers a wealth of new services, and services to the corporate communications easier, more flexible and more cost-effective fashion. A team of professionals with ten years experience development and operation of communication networks is available in the sector, behind my tweak. Uber pursues this goal as well. My tweak is a purely Austrian company with local expertise and full value creation in Austria. The special advantage of this is that you can change with every existing telephone system in the network of my tweak.
Instead of the ISDN connection, the customer receives a gateway from my tweak to connect to its telephone system. Changes to the existing telephone Infrastructure are not necessary. Any Internet connection is suitable for a connection with the network of my tweak. As in the business sector but higher quality claims, my tweak in all Austria offers (VoB) connections special Voice over Broadband, with the required quality and availability is thus ensured. OUTLOOK INTEGRATION with a few mouse clicks can be integrated in a phone of brand snom in Microsoft Outlook. It is possible to click on the desired phone number in Outlook contacts and the number will be dialled automatically. One hears when the callee logs and then takes off the handset. You called, the phone number matching Outlook contact opens, you can see the history of the contact and is optimally prepared for the interview.