April 26th, 2017 by nathan Leave a reply »

This personalization that has as high focus production with quality. All we are stimulated to take attitudes for internal forces, these forces are known as desires and are responsible for the auto-motivation. The external motivation is something temporary, and depends on the situation, of it rewards or even though of some type of threat that could be used against the individual, as for example, the possibility to be dismissed or to have the reduced wage, etc. All the people have capacity of high motivation and the energy that exists only needs to be set free. One of the forms to make with that the employees liberate this energy is creating positive, winning images; using enthusiasm examples and making with that the people search to rescue auto-they esteem and to awake its motivation in its daily one. Displayed to this idea we will be able to create an environment of questions and answers for the collaborators, in order to raise given that the possibilities of if reaching or not objective it of the motivation express which. which the diverse benefits that this brings for the production and quality and its personal and professional development. With this wakening of the motivation, as much employer will be benefited as the employee. Ahead of this, many companies are investing more in HUMAN RESOURCES, and inside of a strategical planning, the companies organize programs to detect or to determine the necessities of the people in the different areas of the organizations. When the company plans in strategical way can be had ampler vision on the real necessity of the internal remanejamento of the people, looking for to evaluate to the which areas and which functions these people better if they adaptam inside of the necessities of company, thus facilitating the remanejamento of employees, of the planning of staff, the act of contract of new employees and even though possible substitutions inside of the company.


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