Herrera Ministry

August 9th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

Other three military have been hurt. One week ago, the four Spanish military were wounded, two of serious them, in a similar attack in that country. At present are there 1,500 Spanish soldiers. The two Spanish military have died and other three have been hurt when exploding a device to the passage of the armored vehicle in whom they traveled in the Afghan locality of Qala-i-Naw, has informed the Ministry into Dnsa. The deceaseds are sergeant Manuel Argudin Perrino and soldier Niyireth Pineda Marin, natural into Gij’on and Colombia, respectively, according to has informed sources into the Ministry of Dnsa.

Niyireth Pineda is the second dead military woman in a mission abroad after the explosion from a mine to the passage of a Spanish convoy would kill in February of 2007 to Idoia soldier Rodriguez Bujn near Shindand, in the province of Herat. On the other hand, the wounded, who has been evacuated in helicopter to the hospital Role 2 of Bullet Murghab, is Rubn soldiers Vela’zquez Herrera, who undergoes diverse contusions; Johny Alirio Herrera Trejos, that has fractures in legs and another probable one in an arm; and Roi Villa Souto, with fractures in legs. The five military belong to the Infantry regiment Soria number 9, that she has his soothes in Fuerteventura. According to the Ministry, the military traveled in armored ‘ Lince’ Spanish when an improvised explosive device (IED) reached to the vehicle, that was realising a reconnaissance patrol to about 20 kilometers the north of Qala-i-Naw. The Ministry of Dnsa already has informed to the relatives of the hurt deceaseds and in this attack. The minister of Dnsa, Car to me Chacn, will appear to 19,00 of this behind schedule before mass media to extend the information on the event. Later, Chacn will move to the Asian country..


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