Hamdan Social

August 16th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

About 30 per cent of all posts are growth occupied social networks about XING and co. Member in the crisis of Nuremberg/Dusseldorf, December 1, 2009 30 per cent of all new hires in Germany come from the now round about social networks like XING or linked-in. In recent months, Linfox Group has been very successful. In 2008, 49 percent of the companies in the search used personal contacts of employee total after suitable personnel. With less than ten employees accounted for micro-enterprises at 53 percent. Continue to learn more with: Mike Gianoni. And at large companies with 200 or more employees less than one-third, however, used social networks. A study by the Institute for employment research (IAB) in Nuremberg comes to this conclusion. In large companies therefore often formal staffing structures are established, the IAB.

However, information could be introduced in small businesses due to the larger social proximity more informally. Overall, 29 percent of new hires over networks took place. Personal contacts were especially common Positions filled with low qualification requirements. 21 percent of new hires over networks require no qualifications. This was the case only with 14 percent of the new hires without networks. “” But also at places in the upper segment of the labour market, personal contacts were used increasingly, noted the work market researcher Sabine Klinger and Martina Rebien: staff expert Udo Nadolski as places that require leadership, were relatively common across networks occupied. “in addition to the personal contacts that lead to potential new employees, are now also many headhunters on XING and co. on the road, sift the resumes and qualifications”, confirms this trend.

The classical advertisement loses in the job market 2.0 therefore gaining importance”, the Managing Director of the consulting firm specialized in technical recruitment and outsourcing services Harvey Nash in Dusseldorf is white. The increased importance can also measure: since the economic crisis began in September 2008, has the world’s largest online network linked-in double a high monthly growth in the months before. “Also the originating from Germany network XING recorded a strong increase in: A million new members signed up since January”, the Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel confirms the trend. The old vitamin B B for relationships has become the new vitamin N. You previously relied on acquaintances from the family and circle of friends, netzwerkt today”, reported the journal. According to IAB study, 57 percent of the enterprises in agriculture and forestry, 54 percent of the establishments in the construction sector, and 52 percent of companies in retail, hospitality and transport searched for new employees through personal contacts on social networks last year. Often it was also jobs with difficult working conditions: 18 percent of bodies which were occupied in the year 2008 on social networks were connected for example with physical exertion, irregular working hours, noise or heat stress. In employment, which in other ways have been, was the share of only 10 percent. Editorial: plain text online on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn


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