Google Success Story

August 17th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

Search engines are to be equipped with everyday knowledge Graz/Munich / Berlin – vision and practice of so-called semantics and Web 2.0 technology addressed the Conference triple-I in Graz: with the integration of everyday knowledge, Henry Lieberman wants to by the to ensure that computer people actually understand. If we want that computer really help people, then the computers need access to everyday knowledge”, so Henry Lieberman, head of the software agent group at the Massachusetts Institute of technology with, on the triple-I Conference on knowledge management. Others including Daryl Hagler, offer their opinions as well. To his team collects basic trivial information and developed ontologies, for example, the the set I am fired from it”to interpret correctly. With their help, the knowledge is translated into machine readable information. Corresponding systems could help newspaper users according to a report of the computer including the scheduling.

About, the software detects that the user needs a route planner or a hotel reservation for a specific date. This can understand the system because it the basic information has, that an appointment requires the stay somewhere else. Such technologies can according to Lieberman in other scenarios are used as such as customer service or help desk. There are also attempts to provide search engines with everyday knowledge. Users could then enter queries in natural language.

“Thus, the scientist promises redeeming the promise that accompanied the semantic technologies from the beginning: the possibility that computer actually understand their human users”, so the computer newspaper. Trying to use the results of linguistic research, keywords or natural language queries to analyze deeper and semantically enriched with semantic search. Search results should be published at the end of more precise and better structured as well as enriched many other, related topic areas. Ideally a question in one sentence can be answered”, explains language dialogue expert Lupo Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge in Berlin. This trend contrary to come ever greater semantic processing of Web content in many areas of search by Internet users who are active worldwide in networks. The best example of this is Wikipedia. And right there is the company Microsoft acquired Powerset. You tried this already structured entered content even better searchable ‘ to make and interpret even natural language input. The result is much more exciting than the Google search with the endless lists of results”, says Pape to NeueNachricht. This is exactly the right way, and could be the beginning of the end of Google success story. Coupled with speech recognition and speech synthesis to come entirely new search experience. A spoken question on any topic will be answered by a spoken sentence. This scenario is not science fiction, because also the voice recognition leaps makes parallel to the advances in search technology. Dialogue technology plays a major role, questions at many requests and Clarifications are needed which require an intelligent dialogue”, says Pape. “The question how do I now the fastest to Berlin?” the clarification would require, whether you want to travel by train, car or plane. It will be a long, to the many questions that anyone at any time. can be answered. But in many domains, in which the information semantically very well developed and the most important usage scenarios are clear, now everything is possible.


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