In this feeling throughout its process of development different forms are proven to perceive, to think and to reflect partner-space, generating the phenomena of metodolgicas lines, on which they had based the process of construction of the geographic knowledge. Geography as science pautou some times, for the attempt to define a specific object of analysis and in the delimitation of borders in relation to other sciences, other times for the definition and of a method of research or for the metodolgicas transformations. The influence of Geography Politics (1897) of Friedrich Ratzel, giving origin Geography Human being, catching in the notion of ‘ ‘ space vital’ ‘ , and the metaphor of the state as ‘ ‘ organism vivo’ ‘ , the movements of territorial expansion of the capitalist system in century XIX. We initiate our quarrel with a briefing in commentary around the systematization of Geography, similar of, to arrive at the point of our interest, that is the borders and its mobilities. OBJECTIVES: To consider an analysis, through bibliographical revision, on the establishment of the borders and its mobilities, searching to point the characteristics of modernity; To understand the relation of the borders with the social movements and politicians; To clarify in a vision humanist, the creation of the territory, its landmarks. limits, the conceptualization and elaboration of borders in which they are passveis of continuous mobility. METHODOLOGY: For the complexity of the subject, the best methodology would be through the bibliographical revision, in which it approaches pertinent subjects to the subject, where I congregated ideas for the development of the reflections related to the intention. Through books, articles and sites, where the main paradigms and chains of the borders and its mobilities had been listed..