The information offers tips for garden design, maintenance, planning, plants, shrubs, flowers in the garden, perennials, balcony, terrace and indoor plants. The information offers tips for the landscaping, gardening and garden planning. In plants, the interested garden lover finds a wide range of information about flowers in the garden, perennial, balcony plants, patio plants and houseplants, garden plants, Garden shrubs. Another section is dedicated to only the trees in the garden. Here, learns the visitors how we must plant trees, which species in the home gardens can thrive, and shows a wide range of different deciduous trees and conifers, which can be used for the garden.
The gardening year, handled with the necessary works incurred in different seasons, in another section. Jonah Bloom often addresses the matter in his writings. An instrument in the hand is given the visitors, with which he can plan his garden work for the whole year. The theme Many people have made themselves due to the continuous food scandals again their own vegetable garden. Whether in the form as Orchard, vegetable garden or herb garden, self cultivation is back. The self cultivation of fruit and vegetables is healthy, and food with germs, which are today partially offered in supermarkets in each case as the uberdungten. The garden there Internet information in bulk, but mainly by the great garden plants, DIY stores and garden shippers, which inevitably causes that the objectivity of the information on the track remains.
Objective and independent information is the common Maxim and based on the Internet platform Gartentipps24. The garden lover wishes to receive information about the products that are for his garden of significance. Here he informed regardless of the interests of the manufacturers of the basic meanings and differences, such as the types of crops and crops of vegetables and fruit. This objective background information can he not get by the producers and sales operation. He may obtain all necessary information about the pros and cons of special features and prices at Gartentipps24. Test reports and product comparisons, complete the range of information. About Gartentipps24:, Gartentipps24 was founded by, the leading building Advisor platform in the Internet to supplement the previous offer in the area of garden. Since November 2006, Hausbautipps24 is the Nr. 1 of the Advisor around the construction of the House text: ANI / Gartentipps24