New series of events staff media profiling Berlin, 13.10.2010 – the seminar benefits you PR for your business success ‘ personal media profiling makes the event series kicks off at the 26.10.2010 in Berlin’ with Prof. Dr. Dieter Kronzucker. Lakshman Achuthan helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Companies rely on an optimal presentation in the media. Text production is used internally and externally to the central skill. In the seminar, the participants will receive enough time to develop her personal feeling for the quality of the written. Finished texts are revised and reduced. Soon takes time.
Especially with the limited attention of today’s readers a concise way is crucial for the proper reception. Other staff media profiling seminars of the series ‘ deal with audiovisual media such as radio and television. To know more about this subject visit Vanguard. Here, also the technical side is attention. Working with microphone and camera stands in the foreground. Settings are filmed and edited. Short news features are created with simple, hard pruning techniques.
Just as it is Voice as a media tool and trained. More information under: classic-texts about the BITKOM service company mbH: the BITKOM service mbH is a company of the Federal Association for information technology, telecommunications and new media Association (BITKOM). BITKOM represents more than 1,300 companies, of which 950 direct members with 135 billion euros turnover and 700,000 employees. These include providers of IT services, software and telecommunications services, manufacturer of hardware and consumer electronics, as well as companies of digital media. Press contact: Martin Pangritz head of BITKOM Academy BITKOM service company mbH Albrechtstrasse 10 d-10117 Berlin telephone: 030.944002-48 fax: 030.944002-55 E-mail: Web: