Dating wishes all a Merry Christmas! Again a year coming to an end and Christmas is just around the corner. This is a very good occasion to let last year happen Revue. Much did located on the single market in the last year. Since the launch in January 2008 the single market has further could expand its market share in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland. in particular has managed to achieve an almost balanced ratio between men and women. Furthermore is proud to attract all ages between 16 and 80 years.
A renewal on the dating was that the photo gallery has been extended and equipped with new functions. Due to the very good response to the videos of the single Exchange the operator decided to make these videos directly on the dating online. The last renewal is the heading”single of the day. Each Member has the possibility to apply the previous day as a single of the day”. The single of the day appears for a whole day on the front page. From 2010, there will be also the function pair message. This should members also facilitate communication among, and further facilitate partner searches. In this sense, the single market wishes you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!