The nonresidential construction difference of the house in which it will take more in recovering by to have taken more in entering crisis, reason why 2011 a reduction of 18.5% will be experienced and in 2012 the fall will stop until 6% to undergo a positive bounce in 2013 with an ascent of 3%. The fall in the investment of the State, that already brought about a backward movement of the production in 2010 in civil engineering (- 16.5%), will undergo throughout this year the greater adjustment with a reduction of 29%. Also, the budgetary containment makes worse the forecasts for 2012 with a fall of 14%, something that can be aggravated when the city councils stop investing in public work. Europe, one more a slower recovery of hoped According to the Euroconstruct report, in the European scope, the 2011 will be recessive (- 0.4%) and the growth of 2012 and 2013 will be discreet, since a 2.3% will oscillate between a 1.3% and. As far as the house, one hopes that it is the market that makes a greater contribution to the recovery between 2011 and 2013, since prehorseradish tree growth of 3% and even of 5%, respectively, and emphasizes countries like Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The nonresidential construction faces 2011 and 2012 with falls of 2.5% and 0.7%, since it did not enter recession abiertamente until 2009. Finally, the public work, that will fall a 3.1% in 2011, will be suspended in 2012 and 2013 (0.4%). Source of the news: Still they are two years so that the Spanish construction shows recovery signs.