
May 10th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

A parable about a persistent Crow Very very long persistent crow, looking at how prepared for flight flock of geese, wanted to fly with them. The ringleader of a goose flock to learn about it, shocked looking at this Crow said: – Raven, you f bird quite nepereletnaya! How you going to fly? On the leader of the pack that he heard the answer: – Get off my back! I'm very much! I'm very strong! I am anything I can! You'll see! – Well, let it be as you wish, tomorrow everything will be clear! Early morning goose flock flew south, and along with the geese flew away, and our crow. Speaking candidly CEO John Watson told us the story. When it's time to sit down for the night, you know, who did not appear longer than others ?!… Of course, you're completely right! She was not one hour, two, three … Suddenly, when the sun is almost gone, close to schools potrepanaya landed, exhausted, hungry crow. (This story is taken from the Internet site Russiani) The leader of the pack again goose approached the crow and said: – Raven, carefully think about it! You're you the bird does nepereletnaya, and we move over the ocean three days without rest. You die, you know! – Oh! I am big! I'm very strong! I still can! You'll see! The next day, the goose flock again rose into the sky and continued its long journey. 3 days after such a long-awaited event, like a flock has completed its flight across the ocean on the horizon was visible a small black dot. Hooray! This was our Raven! Crows have been scary Vidocq! Sweaty, the language on the shoulder of the tail there are only just a pen, half of the feathers there! Raven crashed near schools was not able to translate the whipped egg breath and utter even a word. Geese are crowded near the leader of the pack and said:-Oh, Raven! You really big! You are really very strong! – Up yours! I'm very strong! I am big! But what I still D-U-U-V-P-P-P-A! Another article from the source site: 'Private Enterprise at the time final exams at the military captain of the Russian Navy. "


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