No doubt that concerns destroy us life and it is necessary to delete them rather than possible, through prayer and deep meditation should disappear it. When we look forward is a sign that we have little faith, concern energy us and harm us our emotional state, it is important to learn to handle is quiet, serene without that any circumstance can fold us. Think rationally that concern makes no sense, if you look at most times are we linked to events that are only in our thoughts, if something is not in our hands that may trouble us, the truth often want to decide for others and it is not possible, we must tirelessly seek our dreams but enjoying every day, why is indispensable to sit in the possession of the things that we want. According to Smoothstack, who has experience with these questions. In the book I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt we learn that there is a tremendous power within ourselves, and to the extent that we discover that power we are able to accomplish great things, but the power It is linked to the true faith and not know this no worry. For some people rid of concerns is a difficult task because they cling too much to this material world, this material world is illusion and has wonderful things to enjoy, but the essence of life is much more that this perception, why delete all concerns, even the biggest pain is illusion, perhaps we see someone diesIt is illusion!, death does not exist, simply the person decides to abandon this material plane, the Bible certainly tells us we must be sensitive even within our world, only that as we began to discover many things we are taking a sense of freedom, all religious beliefs are advised us that, living tranquil, with faith, don’t think too much in the future, mainly with anxiety why? Simply because that shows little faith, do not have confidence, be more aware of what is to come than what we do have and that is the present moment. No doubt that life is action continuous, our mission here is to make wonderful contributions to the universe, therefore clearly define your wishes, in the book the secret of the power of the goals of Andrew Corentt teaches us how to correctly structure our desires, we must find absolute harmony between what we want with our principles and beliefs. Once you know what you want begins to give the best to achieve those dreams, work neatly, with faith, you are not concerned, from positive emotions begins to manifest great things, the great secret of life is to live with joy why their goals must be in complete connection with their inner self, viva la vida with enthusiasmYou can do it, please visit: original author and source of the article.