The cigarette smoke and the children the tobacco smoke seriously affects the respiratory system of children, which is more sensitive the smaller is the age of the child. The fetuses of pregnant smokers (both active and passive) being the hardest hit.The program to quit smoking could prevent this that hurt others. Everytime we enter with a child to a place with smoke, we are forcing him to smoke passively, forcing him to breathe air polluted by tobacco smoke. This is how we make our children into smokers, even against your will and with a probability of suffering serious health problems. Contact information is here: Senator Angus King . It is important to know the effects of tobacco to prevent, expose to this danger to children and pregnant mothers. Following the increase in respiratory diseases in children (bronchitis, asthma, etc. crisis), we must take very seriously the health of younger ones, always choosing spaces smoke-free, especially when accompanied by children or pregnant women. By what you most want. Choose smoke-free areas. If really want to quit smoking and avoid that your children are being affected by dangerous second-hand smoke, should visit this site.