Cheapest AllNet Flats

December 1st, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

The cheapest AllNet flats in September 2012 September flat is characterized by birthday actions of some AllNet provider. In a question-answer forum here was the first to reply. You will get free flat this month at due to such an action a month AllNet use, with clear mobile, there are even two months. Below the cheapest deals: eplus network the cheapest AllNet flat in the eplus network is still there at yourfone and simyo. As a result of actions setup fee amounting to 19.90 waived with two. For the same price, due to the action of the birthday offers currently also its AllNet flat. SMS cost to all three 9 cents. 5 There is a SMS flat, as well as an upgrade of the 500 MB (included) data flat on 1 GB.

The term is 24 months. Alternatively, there is also a version without run-time charges from all three vendors. O2 network the cheapest AllNet flats in the o2 network is the clear mobile AllNet savings-flat. This monthly cost 19,85. Two monthly fees will be credited due to the birthday action of the provider. Smoothstack has many thoughts on the issue. The connection fee is 19.95. 9 Cent cost SMS. For 9.95 monthly there 3000 SMS per month.

An upgrade of the 500 MB data flat to 1 GB monthly costs 4.95. . Vodafone D2 network In the Vodafone network is 1 & 1 with the 1 & 1 AllNet flat basic remains the cheapest AllNet flat. This is all an AllNet flat with a 300 GB data volume, at a price of 19.99 in the first 12 months. Then, from the 13th month, this cost 29.99. For SMS you pay 9.9 cents. For 9.99 per month you can flat a SMS book. There is a one-off connection fee of 29.90. Telecom D1 network the cheapest AllNet flats in the telecom network is there at freenetmobile or congstar. Eliminates both the connection charge the monthly fee is freenetmobile 29.95 congstar 29.99. SMS cost to both 9 cents. For an SMS you pay flat at congstar 4.90 monthly and freenetmobile 4.95. There is a 500 MB data flat including both. Both offer an upgrade of the data flats. Which is important for all offers to the end Minimum contract period to check the terms and conditions as this will then increase some providers. An overview of the currently cheapest AllNet flats can at any time in our AllNet flat comparison 2012 contact: Torsten Leidloff Tel 0341-3527589 Web: email: address: mobile Flatrate Torsten Leidloff Rotkehlchen route 7a 04159 Leipzig brief description: mobile Flatrate is a website that reports regardless especially on the development of mobile flat rates and mobile Internet flat rate offers of the operator and a variety of other providers in Germany. The offer is complemented by a mobile phone shop, lock in the cell phones without contract and SIM are available.


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