In the 2009 exercise, even so the index still pointed a favorable situation, had a fall of R$ 0.11 in the pointer and, therefore, the capacity of the Liquid Current assets to quit obligations of short term. h) Immediate liquidity According to Ribeiro (2002), this pointer little or almost nothing adds to the conclusions of the analysis of the financial situation of the company and, therefore, it is not considered in this work. 1,2 ECONOMIC POINTERS) Funny of the Asset In accordance with this pointer, in 2008, the company invoice R$ 1,47 for each invested R$ 1,00 in the Asset. This sample that the Itautec obtains to turn the total investments 1,47 times in the year. As this pointer suffers a light reduction for R$ 1,45, it notices that the mercantile performance of the company practically is kept.
b) Liquid edge the reached value of 0,02 in the 2008 exercise indicates that the company obtains to get corresponding net profits 2% of the value of the Net revenue. In the exercise of the 2009, pointer it increases shyly for R$ 0,03, what it strengthens the idea of the financial coefficients, that portray the maintenance of a good financial situation. c) Yield of the Asset In 2008, for each R$ 1,00 of total investments, the company gets R$ 0,03 of profit. In the posterior exercise, this relation is of R$ 0,04 for each R$ 1,00 of investments, what it indicates a light improvement in the potential of generation of profits. This sample that, although the good situation, the company has not carried through really significant efforts for the improvement in the return of invested Capitals.