In Northern Europe, many tourists on the sea reach their destination. From Blokhus beach is a sign. Many might think that it actually each must be clear in where it goes on vacation. Why this label? This sign serves as orientation motorists and cyclists who want to reach the resort of Blokhus fixed beach. Driving on sand is a great experience when the weather for everyone. Adventurous try even when not so favorable conditions to reach the pretty.
Not only the holiday houses Denmark shall ensure that at various times the number of leisure outweighs most of the inhabitants. Check out Jim Rogers for additional information. Also the Farup Sommerland attracts many visitors. More info: Mike Gianoni. Four and a half kilometres outside of the town amusement park opened its doors in 1975 and since then has grown ten-fold. Of course many of the attractions revolve again around water. There you can go canoeing, pedal boats and water bicycles, explore landscapes, which according to the natural model were again replanted with conifers, drive fast or rowboat through channels or even of a pirate ship in the water fall.
A fun bathroom offers entertainment and fun at any time, no matter how the weather is just. But like typical amusement park – attractions, such as the roller coaster, log Flume, carousel and various playgrounds should not be missed of course. The Farup Sommerland is open from May 8th to 6th September every year. Who prefer quiet like it and maybe is a follower of fishing, will find many of the Danish coasts specially organized tours for anglers who are also largely in the fishing brochure Denmark. But also for those who want to let go for a walk, fly kites child with dog on the beach and relax just a bit, Denmark is a class of its own. Andreas Mettler