Basic Calculation

September 24th, 2024 by nathan Leave a reply »

Hello and welcome, this is an article on the calculation of the slope. Keep tuned to the lesson. One of the more traditional debates in this in the calculation of the slope of a port is if when measuring 1 km it is correct to do so on the ground really traveled the road, or if you take 1 km of advance on the horizontal of the ground, or on the ground on a map projection. In this way in our altigrafias reflects the altitude in increments of 1 km and the average gradient of that route km. With our method a 90 angle is a gradient of 100% because every 100 meters advanced walk 100 meters in height, and a 45 angle would be tantamount to a slope of 70.7%. While the former method is more accurate and above all more academic, we believe that it is easier to do so in practice our own way rather than having to solve the triangle formed with the horizontal to determine which has actually been advanced in each km of Highway horizontal distance in each km. Continue reading This gets more entertaining and it is important to take into account these fundamental points about the calculation.

The slope is the relationship between the slope that we must overcome and the distance horizontally that we must traverse, which is equal to the tangent of the angle that way line to be measured with the x axis, which would be the plane. The horizontal distance is measured on the map. The slope is expressed in per cent, or in degrees. To calculate a slope in so many per cent simply resolve the following rule of three: horizontal distance is 100 as vertical distance is x, i.e.: distance in vertical 100/Horizontal distance = pending % to calculate the slope in degrees is enough to solve the triangle with the two known legs. Tangent = height/distance a 45 angle is a 100% slope, since every 100 meters horizontally will travel 100 meters in height. When we measure a distance on the map we do it on a flat surface. Which we measure on the map is called distance planimetric, which is none other thing that the projection map of the actual distance. The distance planimetric coincides with the real only if in reality there is a plain, but if there is a slope the difference between the actual distance and the site layout may be noticeable. I say goodbye, I hope that you have been tutilidad.


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