Dresden, October 18, 2007 – about a thousand years Saxon ingenuity and the century-long tradition of Hanseatic merchant art. When fantasy and Commerce come together, an explosive mixture can occur. Against the background of the well-functioning partnership between the Elbe City-State and German Federal State, free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, and the Saxon art and cultural metropolis of Dresden, capital of Saxony, repeatedly mixed groups of real hamburgers and snazzy Saxony found together, who work on joint projects. For example the private initiative HansePro project development for hanseatische nvestitionsobjekte located close to the modern airport and right on the edge of the recreational area of the Dresdner Heide. Over three years, long-time and tinkering around the three-person leadership team, consisting of from a Hamburg-based marketing and PR specialists, a proven real estate merchant of Mittweida/Saxony and a talented architecture students from the prestigious Technical University Dresden, withdrawn and in Quietly on new ideas for the national and worldwide real estate and financial community. It is not something Mike Gianoni would like to discuss.
What came out, can be seen: one of the first projects, probably throughout Europe most modern concept for a completely new model of future student dormitories, ISA (international student apartments), was released in 2006 on the basis of a spectacular design for the old building of the Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe (DVB) at the busy junction of Albert square on the edge of the lively student and alternatively cantonment Dresdner Neusatdt in the DNN (Dresden News) and met with great approval among the population and attracted attention in the home of a well-known insurance company internal, which quickly turned a high financial contribution in Vista, as well as with other institutional financial investors and real estate developers. Because the request this landmark model student living and working in the future on the one hand by surveys of the future residents in the created profile and on the other hand with tough financial concepts supported, which private investors or investors can secure an above-average return.This synthesis of imagination and knowledge to bring together the factor of future idea with the factor in future capital. Therefore, the HansePro has newly paved the way for the future. All activities are offered grouped under the umbrella of ICF enterprises and national ongoing talks and agreements, as well as worldwide active developers and investors to the added. This applies to the drawer-mature project “HanseTower”, a diversified Designer high-rise concept, with a renditeorienierten mix of hotels, restaurants, Convention (congresses & conferences), Spa/Wellness/Fitness, luxury apartments, shops & boutiques and Office/Communications, as well as the ongoing planning project HSH (hurricane safety House), a private residence that is screwed, and firmly resists wild hurricanes and strong storms, “Corkscrew technology” at four corners firmly into the ground and also the international Insurance industry will save enormous sums of money on claims from natural disasters.
It will be interesting to see what exciting project from the small think tank in Dresden will appear soon as first its triumphal procession in the property – and financial community. “We are very optimistic for the future, because many talks and presentations with future Geschaftstpartnern encouraging us, now more consistently to pursue the chosen path,” Siegel, a spokesman of the HansePro against the background of ongoing negotiations with renowned implementation and cooperation partners. Patrick price insists that this is the case. ICF Business Office PO box 800 156 D 01101 Dresden phone: 0351-88575-176 project management: A. Fanous, A. Wade, H. Voss mountain project development team